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Wandering Whims

New Years Resolution Ideas You May Not Have Thought Of

Updated: Jan 8

  1. Learn to cook a new cuisine: Instead of resolving to cook more or eat healthier, challenge yourself to learn a new cuisine, like Japanese, Indian, or Middle Eastern.

  2. Start a collection: Whether it's vintage postcards, antique buttons, or rare coins, starting a collection can be a fun and unique hobby that introduces you to new people and places.

  3. Learn a new language... through music: Use music to learn a new language by listening to songs in the target language and trying to sing along. You'll improve your pronunciation and vocabulary in no time!

  4. Write a letter to your future self: Write a letter to yourself to be opened on a specific date in the future (e.g., one year, five years, or ten years from now). Reflect on your hopes, dreams, and goals, and see how far you've come when you read it in the future.

  5. Take a photo every day: Challenge yourself to take one photo every day for a year. You'll capture memories, improve your photography skills, and see the world in a new light.

  6. Start a "reverse bucket list": Instead of making a list of things you want to do before you die, make a list of things you've already done that you're proud of. Reflect on your accomplishments and celebrate your successes.

  7. Create a "happiness jar": Write down one thing that makes you happy each day on a piece of paper and put it in a jar. At the end of the year, read through them and reflect on the joy and positivity in your life.

  8. Learn to say "no" more often: Instead of resolving to take on more, resolve to say "no" more often. Prioritize your time and energy, and learn to set healthy boundaries.

  9. Take a "digital detox" one day a week: Choose one day a week to disconnect from all screens (phone, computer, TV, etc.) and spend the day reading, journaling, or engaging in other offline activities. You'll reduce stress and increase productivity.

  10. High-five 50 strangers: Spread joy and awkwardness by high-fiving a bunch of people you don't know.

  11. Eat a rainbow: Try a new food that's a different color each week. Think blueberries, yellow peppers, and red velvet cake.

  12. Take a nap in a weird place: Like a hammock, a library, or a public fountain. Just make sure you're not getting in anyone's way!

  13. Write a poem about a snail: Snails are slow, but your creativity doesn't have to be!

  14. Do a silly dance on a busy street corner: Bust out your best robot moves or chicken noodle soup dance and make some strangers smile.

  15. Hold a staring contest with a cat: You know they're already judging you, so might as well stare back!

  16. Learn to make 5 different animal sounds with your hands: Like a chicken cluck, a cow moo, or a dolphin click. Your friends will be impressed (or weirded out).

  17. Have a picnic on a rooftop: Find a friend with a sweet view and some blankets, and enjoy your meal among the clouds.

  18. Count to 1000 by 7s: Just because it's a fun math problem and you might impress some math nerds.

  19. Learn to say "I love you" in 10 different languages... to a potted plant: Show your green friend some international affection!

  20. Start a collection of weird socks: You know, the ones with cartoon characters, stripes, or polka dots. Try to collect 50 pairs!

  21. Write a short story using only words that start with the letter "Q": Quirky, quaint, and quixotic – it'll be a quest!

  22. Create a time capsule... for your future self: Bury it in your backyard or a safe deposit box and open it in 10 years. What will you find?

  23. Have a dance party with a broom: Sweep the floor (literally) and get your groove on with your trusty broom companion!

  24. Create a "Smile File": Collect funny memes, jokes, and GIFs and put them in a folder. Open it whenever you need a pick-me-up!

  25. Take a photo of every cloud you see for a month: Capture those fluffy white puffs and watch them change shapes!

  26. Learn to recite the first 100 prime numbers from memory: You never know when you'll need this skill... or maybe you'll just impress your friends!

  27. Hold a "Silly Olympics" with friends: Host events like the Three-Legged Race, Egg-and-Spoon Race, and the always-classic Water Balloon Toss!

  28. Host a "Pajama Party for One": Set up a cozy night in, complete with pillow fort, snacks, and a favorite movie – all by yourself!

  29. Take a photo of every interesting-looking rock you find: Rock-ument the year, one pebble at a time!

  30. Start a "Compliment Jar": Write down one nice thing about yourself each day and put it in a jar. Read them all at the end of the year! 💕

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